Prayer/Bible Study
It is our belief that prayer is not only a privilege but our duty. We bring our needs before our Lord.
Matthew 21:22
We meet each Wednesday at 1:00 P.M. and at 6:30 pm to meet the needs of our people by offering studies with the Word of God and to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Men's Prayer Time
1st & 3rd Saturday @ 7:30 AM - meet at church to come together and pray for our church, community and burdens on your heart
Buffalo Children's Bible Club and Youth Group
To reach and disciple our children, these clubs meet weekly on Wednesday night at 6:30 P.M. during the school year. We also encourage the children to make Christ centered decisions based on their faith in Jesus Christ.
Young Knights
We meet monthly to encourage and minister to the special needs of teens through fellowships, Bible study, and special activities.
Camp for Kids
Each summer we send many youth to camps to further their love and knowledge of Jesus. They are also taught how to share the salvation of Christ Jesus.
Sweets Sale
Held each month after the Pot Blessings meal, to raise money for the summer camps for kids. The kids attending camp are encouraged to help bake items for the sale and to help clean up after the meal.
Pot Blessings
Each month we honor those with a birthday or anniversary with a special cake and Pot Blessings meal held right after Small Group Studies.
Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry is supplied through Second Harvest of Omro, WI entirely through monetary donations. If you or anyone you know of could benefit from extra groceries please call and leave a message. 608-297-7771.
To reach out to our community through fun filled events to share the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Prayer Shawl Ministries
Ladies committed to giving back to our Lord Jesus through shawls knit with prayer.
Family Movie Nights
Every 3rd Saturday at 6:00 pm we meet to watch a family friendly movie.
Community Service
It is our duty to give back to our community through the love of Christ by working for and with the community.
Fellowship Dinners
We have some dinners throughout the year that we plan in advance for a special time of fellowship.
For a daily word of encouragement, visit our Facebook page: